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Top 5 trends to expect in 2021 in the Indian economy



Covid-19 has lead to a huge decline in the Indian economy. We haven’t seen such a decline for decades! 2021 is expected to bring certain unique trends due to this pandemic. 🤕

What will be these trends?

1. Investment will become increasingly speculative:

The risks involved with investments are expected to grow this decade. Risky investments might not bring you good returns this year. 😟

2. Geopolitics will benefit small companies:

Due to the increasing hate towards China, and elevating love towards “make in India”, a lot of small businesses will get a fair share of opportunities to grow and cover the market.
(Indian entertainment apps, toys manufacturing companies, etc.) 😃

3. Binge-watching will be the new hot trend:

Lockdown has bent people to watch movies, tv-series, and documentaries at home. Online streaming will be the new trend and theatres will witness huge losses and shutdowns.
(Running ads on online streaming platforms would be a great idea for businesses this year) 📱

4. Exponential growth for some, shutdown for others:

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Some sectors like digital entertainment, online payments, broadband services, online shopping will continue to make huge profits while some sectors like outdoor entertainment, luxury items, FMCG, etc. will struggle to survive. 😒

5. BigTechs will get whipped:

Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, etc performed exceeding well in 2020. But due to the upcoming govt rules and regulation authorities, they’ll face a hard time operating at the same pace and to grow. 😏


2021 will be a very important year for the Indian economy. We’ll get a glance at how the post-pandemic world looks like and get a hint of whether we would be able to return to normal or not. We’ll get to witness the “new normal” in 2021.

Stay tuned with us! 😉

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Samkit Mehta
Samkit Mehtahttps://samkitmehta.in
Obsession turned profession, I've a flair of online marketing and advertising. I'm the jack of all trades and master of one, i.e. platform advertising. Over the years, I've served more than 150 big and small clients, and have conducted various experiments to drive results. I have learnt so much in the process of helping different industries of clients and henceforth, I've so much knowledge to offer! I am a news-worm and I cover finance, economy, business and marketing affairs on a daily basis. I write around these topics to share my knowledge and wisdom with my readers. I've been featured on 50+ websites - and trust me, it's just a start!

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