23.1 C

Working in a startup vs taking a corporate job?



Working in a startup vs taking a corporate job 🙄

Corporate salary, tag and extra perks might lure you into taking a corporate job, but have you evaluated the overall benefit through cost-benefit analysis? 🤔

Jack ma said:
“A good boss is better than a good company”

Factors that must be taken in account:

1. Organization structure :

Corporates usually offer a better structure with an average pay scale. Startups neither have a good structure, neither do they offer attractive pay scale.

2. Career Growth:

If the startup turns out to be a success, your career growth will be way better than the overall career growth in any MNCs after decades.

3. Work culture:

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Corporates are pretty much already established. If you can deal with chaos, you’re good to go. Whereas, startups offer an interesting work environment where every medium-sized project is a big opportunity for the employees.

4. Learning and Productivity:

Startups come with super-fast career growth and learning opportunity. You’re not limited to a particular profile with startups. Whereas, in the corporates, you’re bound to do monotonous work regularly.

5. Stability:

Your job security might not be as high as in the corporates, but the transparency is way better. In the startups, you normally tend to work with the CEO and get to experience amazing guidance under cream leadership.

In a nutshell

Corporates usually mean working hard with no personal recognition in exchange for a stable job with a good income. Startups have their own financial and other downsides but it is proved out to be a strong career and learning boost in the long run. 😇

Make your choice wisely as per your risk-taking power! 🏋️

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Harshita Sevaldasani
Harshita Sevaldasanihttps://harshitasevaldasani.com
I'm a tech, finance, marketing and stock market enthusiast who has a flair for writing. I spend most of my time reading and researching different topics and keeping myself updated with current affairs. I am recognized for writing insightful articles and blogs, and I've been featured on 200+ news websites. I'm currently working on 6+ blogs as an author and over the years, I've fallen for my profession.

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